can you drink too much herbal tea

Tea is an increasingly popular beverage that can bring many health advantages, including weight loss, lower risk of chronic diseases and increased mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. But it is essential to drink herbal tea in moderation in order to avoid side effects associated with excessive consumption, and be aware of which herbs make up each blend and their potential impact on our bodies – by limiting consumption you can experience all its advantages without suffering negative side effects.

What is Herbal Tea (Tisane)?

Herbal tea, often known as tisane, is produced by steeping various herbs, flowers, seeds, barks, roots, fruits or spices into hot water for infusion. As opposed to traditional green, black, oolong and pu-erh teas made from Camellia sinensis leaves (Camellia sinensis), herbal tea offers many health advantages that include improving immune system functioning; fighting inflammation; lowering high blood pressure; improving digestive health; supporting heart health; and alleviating anxiety.

Most herbal teas are caffeine-free, however some varieties may contain small amounts of caffeine that could result in dizziness and light-headedness. The amount of caffeine present varies depending on its ingredients and how it is prepared – therefore if caffeine sensitivity exists it would be prudent to limit intake of herbal teas that contain caffeine.

Tea caffeine consumption may impede on healthy sleeping cycles and increase the time it takes for you to fall asleep at night. Furthermore, too much caffeine consumption can lead to jitters or stomach upset, so it’s essential that you monitor its consumption carefully.

Herbal tea can have a diuretic effect and increase fluid intake, potentially leading to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in some individuals; especially older adults or those living with medical conditions. Therefore, it is advisable that anyone unsure whether herbal tea consumption is safe consults a healthcare professional about how much is safe to consume.

As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that most adults consume 3-4 cups (710-950 ml) of herbal tea daily for optimal results. Drinking too much may lead to uncomfortable side effects like nausea, headaches or disrupted sleeping patterns; furthermore, certain teas contain ingredients which could interact with medications or interfere with nutrient absorption.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise extreme caution with herbal tea consumption during gestation and breastfeeding as certain ingredients can have negative impacts on their baby. Caffeine and certain ingredients found in herbal tea may increase miscarriage risks and result in low birthweight babies. Furthermore, too much liquid consumption may cause hyponatremia, in which your body has too low sodium levels – potentially life-threatening conditions which should be avoided by drinking herbal tea sparingly and limiting intake of caffeinated beverages such as sodas.